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Selected exhibitions

​2024, Posters in the city - public show in Venice, Italy, curated by Luca Rezzolla & Team

2023 - 2024 Breathing with the World, BID23ART, BIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DONNA,  Porto Vecchio,

Magazzino 26, Trieste Italy, curated by Eunice Tsang & Šeherzada Ahmetović 

2022 Von Raum zum Menschen - Vom Menschen zum Raum, with Karl Grausgruber,

Schlossgalerie Schärding, curated  by Andreas Sagmeister & Thomas Weber

2020 X-treme, Project curated by Lily Fürstenow, Berlin, Germany

2020 Io resto a casa 2020, Online Project curated by Pierpaolo Lista, @autoprogettazione, @galleria.milano

2020 Formato A4. Sguardo oltre la pandemia, Biblioteca Civica G. Tartarotti, MART, Rovereto, Italy

2020 Greetings from…, Conference, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Facoltà di Architettura, curated by Adriano Venudo, Arch., Italy

2019 Final touch, Jumee Kim Gallery, Daejeon, South Korea

2015 - 2016 Vitamine, Tavolette energetiche, curated by Laura Monaldi, MART, Contemporary and Modern Art Museum of Trento and Rovereto, CAMeC, La Spezia, Villa Caruso, Signa, GAMC, Palazzo delle Muse, Viareggio, Italy (Catalogue)

2015 Atrium Art, ÖBV - Atrium, curated by Jacqueline Chanton (Fine Art Calendar)

2013 132 tavolette Zavattini” C. Palli Collection, Galleria d’arte Studio Rosai und Biblioteca Nazionale, (National Library) Florence.

2012 - 2013 Fata morgana - Alltagsvariationen, Galerie Splitter Art. Batya Horn, Vienna, curated by Burghart Schmidt

2011 Solitario, Italian Cultural Institut Palais Sternberg, Vienna and ÖBV - Atrium, Vienna, curated by Arnaldo Dante Marianacci and Maria Christine Holter (Catalogue)

2010  Fioritura O, Osmosi, Festival PAC 108, Parco Centro Villa Basaglia, Livorno, Italy

2007 Contenitore di cultura contemporanea Bau3, Studio Gennai, Pisa, Galerie AREA N.O., Florence, Italy

2007 Bau saluta fluxus, GAMC, Palazzo delle Muse Viareggio, Italy

2006 Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv, Israel

2001 - 2003 Vom Blühen und Reifen. Erotisches aus Kunst und Natur. Museum auf Abruf, Vienna and Warsaw, Poland, curated by Wolfgang Hilger and Berthold Ecker (Catalogue)

2002 Sisma. Artoteca O', Milan

1998 InterMedia communication project Woman: Man, Galerie am Mölkersteig, Vienna.

1998 Flaschenpost. Forum Stadtpark, Graz.

1998 Artomatica. Torre Matilde (MatildeTower) Viareggio, Italy (Catalogue)

1997 Illimite - Aufschließung.Osmosi, Baluardo S. Paolino, city wall of Lucca, Italy and Galerie am Mölkersteig, Vienna

1996 InterMedia Symposium, Schrattenberg, presentation of the catalogue Vienna Secession.

1996 Aktuelle Kunst 95. Austrian Parliament, Vienna und Austrian representation rooms Brussels, Belgium

1995 - 1996 InterMedia communications project Italy : Austria. Italian Cultural Institute, Palais Sternberg Vienna and Austrian Cultural Forum, Milan (Catalogue)

1990 Project Kunstkaufhaus. (Artstore Project) Frauenmuseum Bonn-Women's Museum Bonn, Germany (catalogue)

1989 Konfrontationen/Confrontations. Museumsquartier (Catalogue)

1988 Der verbrannte Engel. Galerie Bücher & Kunst, Vienna curated by Peter Gorsen (Catalogue)



Born in Belluno, Italy.

Istituto Tecnico Industriale, Belluno – architectural drawing, design, diploma in architecture.

Studies at the University of Milan’s Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne - art history and  literature - doctorate.

Stays in Paris and Mexico. Lives in Vienna as a freelance artist.

Working in the fields of painting (mainly in acrylics on layered paper), collage, objects and installations.

The main theme of her artistic research is the stereotype and the cliché.

Her works often have a multimedial character with involvement of people outside the art world.

Exhibitions and exhibition participations in Austria, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Croatia,  

USA, Israel.

Works purchased by: Austrian Federal Ministry (Art Section), City of Vienna, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, private collections in 

Austria and abroad. 

Texts on L. Fiabane have been written by: P.Gorsen, L. Mare, P. Zawrel, W. Hilger, M. Fischer, W. Patterer,

M. C. Holter, G. Leghissa,  A. D. Marianacci ,  M. Mander, M. Seif,  B. Schmidt....



Greetings from Italy

1990 Co-founder of the group of women artists Vakuum

1993-1995 Collaboration with the architecture magazine Perspektiven. Magazin für Stadtgestaltung

Since 1996 Member of the group of artists Osmosis





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Lidia Fiabane 2017 © all rights reserved

© Photos : L. Fiabane, F. Schachinger, B. Hoffmann, G. Orsingher, S. Serighelli, B. Horn, G. Baik

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